Tuesday, October 03, 2006

George Allen holds a six-point lead

This comes Rasmussen via the Washington Times

Virginia Sen. George Allen holds a six-point lead over his Democratic challenger, James H. Webb Jr., a new statewide poll released yesterday shows.

If the election were held today, Mr. Allen, a Republican, would capture 49 percent of the vote, while Mr. Webb would receive 43 percent, according to a telephone survey of 750 likely voters conducted by Rasmussen Reports from Thursday through Sunday.

The data also show 5 percent are undecided and 3 percent would choose some other candidate in the contest.

Election Day is Nov. 7.

The race could hold national implications as well -- Democrats need to win six seats to recapture a Senate majority.

Mr. Allen has held a steady lead in the Rasmussen poll for more than a year, but his once double-digit advantage over any challenger was eroded after a summer of campaign blunders.

In an attempt to regain the momentum from Mr. Webb, who is catching up in the fundraising race, Mr. Allen last night spoke to voters in a two-minute statewide televised address.

He also has been battling recent assertions that he used racial epithets to describe blacks when he was in college.

The Rasmussen poll showed Mr. Webb leading Mr. Allen by 39 points among black voters.

Mr. Webb is facing criticism, too, with Mr. Allen running an attack ad using the Democrat's 1979 article "Women Can't Fight" in which he criticizes female midshipmen at the U.S. Naval Academy.

Still, 47 percent of women surveyed in the poll said they prefer Mr. Webb to Mr. Allen. Meanwhile, 57 percent of men said they prefer Mr. Allen.

The poll showed that 49 percent of those surveyed were not familiar with Mr. Webb's article, saying they had followed news reports on the article either "not very closely" or "not at all." By contrast, 81 percent of potential voters said they were following the racial accusations against Mr. Allen either "very closely" or "somewhat closely."

Because substance beats accusations and innuendo every time!

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